I’m Done…. I had no motivation to blog anymore. I have had so much fun over the years, but I can no longer have fun blogging. I want to move on, and to stop lurking in the past. Below are some posts that I want you to read. If you wish to continue running this blog, e-mail me at JavaLlama2012@gmail.com… if no on takes it it will be deleted in one to two weeks. All the posts and pages have been deleted, but you can have this blog to do what you want with…

Thanks for the Fun,

                Jack (A.K.A Java Llama)

There has been many posts about thanking people, and I would like to thank some people now. They are in order in which they helped, or when I met them

Carly/Mooseluver8– When I played Club Penguin/CP yearrrs ago, the first blog I went on to help me was Mooseluver8’s CP Blog. Top search in google under “CP Cheats” at the time. Carly inspired me to make a blog, and with her help this blog came out, although no the same as it is now. Carly is my best online friend, and she is also very talented. Here old blog was hacked and deleted, but she is back with random blog that is very good. Thank you Carly!

Kygro & Gooseluver- When I started visting Carly’s blog on a regular basis, I always found Goose and Kygro there with me. They taught me how to have fun on blogs without going to far, and they also taught me some computer stuff that I still use today. They are my friends from along time ago, and though we havent really talked in forever, I want to thank them.

Holagurrl25– When I was about a month into my blog I started hearing about a person named Holagurrl25, or Hola for short. I went to her blog and was shocked my the amount of viewers she got. She also had a chat called Bribble, and thats were I started to gain popularity and meet friends. So I thank her for that. Me and Hola got on a friendly basis and I became a MOD on her bribble, with some other people. We all agreed that she was too popular and devised a plan to hack her. But none of us knew how. So we like invited people to our chat while we used codenames (Hacker1, 2, ect). I didnt work. Hola e-mailed me awhle ago and we are once again on friendly terms. Thanks Hola!

Angleo8, LilMizThan, and Socool987654– I met all of these people on Hola’s Bribble, and they helped me make more interesting posts. They all had or have unique styles of writing, and when I combined them all they helped me make my posts more interesting. They are also my Hola Hackers in Crime, and I had lots of fun chatting with them. So Thanks!

Nikki & Faith– I also met these two on Bribble. We had tons of fun saying random stuff… and messing with the now famous Chewy Pup. They introduced me to lots of blogs and friends. They also introduced me to Paint, but they didnt teach me how to use it, lol. I thank them!

Berryco0l & Dunya– I don’t really know Berry, and I just kinda know Dunya, but on an old blog they taught me how to use Paint. I cant really say much more, but thanks, because Paint is like the best invention ever, and its nice knowing how to use it 🙂

Jacob J-Dog– I remember the first time he came to my blog. He was an original viewer of this blog, and he is a great friend. I can remember when he said he was starting a blog, and if I would help him. I did, and now he has a very good blog, although sadly not many visit and he no longer updates. Please visit! I want to thank him because he was constant encouragement, and he is great friend. Thanks, J-Dog.

Dendo Guy– I haven’t thought of him in forever, but looking back on old names I thought about him. I didnt really know him, but I was a viewer of his blog. Reading his posts and pages again, I relized that he taught me how to be more creative with my pages. And how I presented them. I thank you, Dendo.

Adam– After I was done from CP blogging, I came across Adam while I was surfing through a old blog I knew. I was amazed by his artwork and I started becoming a regular visiter. I think that was became friends, and although we had some arguments. I thank him for teaching me about CSS and about computer editing images. Thank you.

Redcowz/Ilan– While I was checking blog on Adams site I came across Redcowz, and I was instantly amazed by his posts. He had all different kinds, updates, contests, deep posts, life post, everything. Redcowz is a great friend, and a amazing writer. I thank him for teaching me how to broaden my posts and for teaching me more of CSS. Thank you, Redcowz.

Here are a list of friends, in no order. If I forget you just tell me, and if I don’t add it, I’m sorry but I don’t consider you a friend.

  • Carly
  • Redcowz
  • Adam
  • Krygo
  • Gooseluver
  • Holagurrl25
  • Chad
  • Josh (At times)
  • Yrtm
  • Dunya
  • Socool
  • Angleo8
  • Justinbob
  • Nikki
  • Faith
  • WonderBread

I bet theres more, but that all I can think of.

    Jesus on a Bicycle, Java Llama (808 Words)

I quit CP, its not gonna change. I want to tell you my reasons for quiting, so you dont get angry at me.

  1. CP is getting boring, they are running low on ideas
  2. Im to old for it, CP is for kids, Im about to go into Middle School Im to old for it!
  3. I dont have time for it, Im gonna be busy this school year, and for the rest of the summer
  4. Its stressful, I always feel bad when I cant update, and I shouldnt feel that way.
  5. I dont get respect. I try to help you guys, but I dont gte any respect.
  6. Its taking over my life. I have friends to hang out with, and other things. The Computer is becoming my life! I cant let that happen.

But, Im happy to annouce that this blog will still reman open. But, as a non-releated CP Blog. Alot of people have done it, and its looks like an okay idea, so I’ll give it a shot. I will be making a new header, Icon, and other things soon. I am going to save all my pages as Drafts, so other can use ’em if they want, or if I want them back. So they will be deleted, but at a slow rate. I will be adding new pages as I delete them aswell, so keep checking! I will start this process tonight (Its a Monday Night, and im bored, so alot will get done today. I have alot of ideas, including a book talk, Funny Quote of the Day, and just some good youtube videos. I hope your not angry at me for this, because there is no need to be.

   Peace Out, Java Llama

Blog Stats

  • 32,639 hits

Goals for Hits!

30,000- CSS Stylesheet


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Works Cited

Here I will add the places I get the information from. Children's Miscellany

Hogwarts House!


Created By: Carly

Web Site Birthday!

This sites birthday is January 28, 2007!

Copyright ©

This site has a copyright sign on it, so you cant copy anything off of my site. Unless you have permission from me. This includes pictures, posts, and pages. Thanks!